Friday, April 16, 2010

So we had our appointment with Jackson's neurosurgeon today. He said that Jackson does have a tethered spinal cord, however it's not severe. That does not mean that he doesn't need surgery. Jackson will need surgery within the next two or three months. He let us know that Jackson will be in surgery for two hours and then be in the hospital for two days after surgery. He'll have a two to three inch scar on his back. I'm so relieved to finally know what's going on with him. We feel so blessed that it's not as bad as it could be and that our crazy pedi (who turns out is a genius) found it so early. Jackson will gain all his bladder control and bowel control back pretty quickly and will not have to worry about this happening again or losing control and function of his legs.

His doctor said that the fluid in his spine would more than likely go away or stay the same once he has surgery so it should NOT be a problem.

We will still need to see a urologist about his kidney being abnormal in shape and size but I'm not too worried about that. (He has two and only needs one, right?)

For those of you who don't know, he will probably need some cosmetic surgery in the next few years on his head and face and has a deveated septum which will probably need surgery also (i don't know when)

Next week Jackson will have two root canals done. I'm beginning to think that his pedi was right and that Jackson's LITTLE body just didn't form all the way in my belly.

Thank you for all your fasting and prayers. We feel so blessed to have such wonderful family and friends.


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